Kaizen: Text Analysis App

NOTE : the app is not working in versions of IE8 and below. It works fine for Chrome (preferred), Firefox and Safari
Below is one of the modules that is being incorporated into our Kaizen program. The fully fledged Kaizen will have a text editor as well as more heuristic capabilities to analyse text. However, as a teaser, we are putting this module out now for beta testing and general interest. The below module calculates just a few text metrics, such as grade level, word count and readability. Simply paste your text into the text box and click the button to get a quick report.

Kaizen Scripter Lite v. 1.0
Reading Time
Word Count
Average Words per Sentence
Complex Word Count
Complex Word percentage
Unique Word Count
Reading Ease
Grade Level
Automated Reading Level
Coleman Reading Level
Average Reading Level
Kaizen Scripter(c)2013

Note 1: A Reading Ease level of between 30 and 80 is considered highly readable. Anything below 30 is a difficult passage, anything above 80 is considered basic. Complex words have more than two syllables. Unique word percentage gives the percentage of difference for the words in the text. For example a 100% score would mean that every word in the text was different.

Note 2: This text analysis App does not evaluate the quality of the work. There are no correct scores. Low scores do not mean that the work is poor, and high scores do not mean that the work is superior. For example Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" scores as very basic readability, with a very low unique score percentage. No one seriously considers "The Road" to be a work of basic fiction. The text is sparse, by design. The point of the Kaizen and ( and all readability apps for that matter)is to be able to look at some different metrics for your writing.

Over the whole of your passage, sentence length should vary. However, the average length of your sentences should be around 15-20 words.

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